What We Do

Cast is a specialist construction consultancy providing solutions for developers, investors, policymakers and the supply chain. We are focused on helping deliver great homes and places viably whilst also addressing bigger economic, societal and environmental challenges.

We apply professional expertise and deep market knowledge together with our desire to innovate so that we can create real and practical benefits for our clients. Our spectrum of propositions have been built based on an understanding of changing market needs.

Cast Proposition Matrix

Advisory Commercial & Supply Chain Management Project & Contract Management / Administration Technical Due Diligence Construction & Manufacturing Integration
Workforce, technology & manufacturing improvement consultancy Early stage cost estimating & viability support Project leadership & management Pre-acquisition due diligence on project or portfolio opportunities DfMA audit of projects for MMC category applications
National skills, MMC & innovation policy and strategy implementation support for Central Government Departments & Agencies Cost planning, design & value modelling & optimisation Project brief establishment & communication Pre-acquisition due diligence on development and construction businesses Manufacturing process and product optimisation to align to on site construction delivery including continuous improvement feedback from site to factory
Skills, MMC & innovation policy and strategy implementation support for Regional and Local Government bodies Cost & product benchmarking Project execution planning Project & enterprise investment monitoring services on behalf of lenders & investors Logistics planning
Skills, MMC & innovation engagement strategy for land owners, developers and investors PMV calculation & benchmarking PMV calculation & benchmarking Pre-acquisition and funding due diligence on MMC supply chain businesses Management of on-site preparatory, zip up and completion works for select Category 1 and Category 2/5 composite MMC systems
Bespoke skills, MMC & innovation related market research, surveys and insights Risk Management Project reporting & controls   Turnkey delivery of complete projects using select Category 1 MMC system partners
MMC/innovation led business start-up strategy and out-source support Market conditions, input cost and inflation intelligence Development and construction programming    
Market entry strategy, target operating model establishment and change management for new or existing businesses Procurement & contractual strategies Procurement & contractual strategies    
Aggregation, collaboration and network building in both private and public sectors Full financial administration of projects including full Quantity Surveying duties External stakeholder engagement    
Skills, MMC and innovation related market knowledge training & awareness building programmes Traditional versus MMC cost benchmarking Full contract administration / employer’s agent services for projects    
Business case & model development spanning investment, development and construction MMC supply chain options and implementation strategies Traditional versus MMC programme benchmarking    
  Specialist PMV & productivity studies for new products or processes MMC supply chain options and implementation strategies    
Slide across to see PMV levels
Click to see what we do at different levels of Pre-Manufactured Value

We have identified exactly what we do here on our Cast Proposition Matrix. As you increase Pre-Manufactured Value, our scope of services and solutions broadens to include specialist advisory and project delivery services related to greater consideration or application of MMC.

As industry pioneers, we challenge existing ways of doing things whilst respecting our clients’ own constraints and appetite for risk. Our focus is to increase productivity, predictability and performance. We believe that increasing the Pre-Manufactured Value (PMV) of projects through the use of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), combined with product optimisation and more integrated procurement and delivery models, are the biggest combined agents of change in construction.

By modernising our approach to consultancy, we can help our end customers aspire to delivering better buildings and places, and both the supply chain and clients can make more money – all whilst being mindful of environmental and social impacts.

Our three Values of Respect, Share and Learn defines a business that has innovation and continuous improvement as the foundations of success.

Keith Brooks, Chairman & Founding Director

We have identified exactly what we do here on our Cast Proposition Matrix. As you increase Pre-Manufactured Value, our scope of services and solutions broadens to include specialist advisory and project delivery services related to greater consideration or application of MMC.

As industry pioneers, we challenge existing ways of doing things whilst respecting our clients’ own constraints and appetite for risk. Our focus is to increase productivity, predictability and performance. We believe that increasing the Pre-Manufactured Value (PMV) of projects through the use of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), combined with product optimisation and more integrated procurement and delivery models, are the biggest combined agents of change in construction.

By modernising our approach to consultancy, we can help our end customers aspire to delivering better buildings and places, and both the supply chain and clients can make more money – all whilst being mindful of environmental and social impacts.

Our three Values of Respect, Share and Learn defines a business that has innovation and continuous improvement as the foundations of success.

Keith Brooks, Chairman & Founding Director

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Our address

Black Bull Yard
24-28 Hatton Wall

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Call us on +44(0)203 931 0200
Our address

Black Bull Yard
24-28 Hatton Wall

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