
Cast Is Quoted In The Times ‘Grenfell Tower Fire Exposes Culture Of Bad Building’

08/17/20  / By Cast
1 minute read
Cast Is Quoted In The Times ‘Grenfell Tower Fire Exposes Culture Of Bad Building’ - Cast
08/17/20  / By Cast
1 minute read

An article published by The Times last year discussed the atrocities of Grenfell Tower and why dated construction methods may have contributed to this great tragedy and loss of lives.

Cast CEO Mark Farmer weighed in on the subject and was quoted in the article, highlighting that competitive tendering in the supply chain and lack of accountability from unskilled and outsourced workforces is evident in assets and projects similar to Grenfell Tower.

“We have a legacy of building stock that was built the same way that Grenfell was refurbished. There is no point kidding ourselves, much of the industry’s poor performance has yet to be uncovered.”

Farmer continues to explain that reasons such as these are exactly why the industry is in desperate need of an overhaul and that modern buildings need to be delivered differently to avoid these kinds of tragic events happening again in the future.

Read Grenfell Tower Fire Exposes Culture of Bad Building

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