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Cast Driving Industry Change In The Later Living Sector

Cast Driving Industry Change In The Later Living Sector - Cast

The Times this week ran an interesting article on the advent of an emerging and important segment in the UK’s residential market – luxury later living. As we face an ageing demographic it appears the Government is increasingly recognising the importance of having a full mobile and transacting housing market with downsizing as important as first time buyers. With increasing under utilisation of exisitng housing stock, the pressure to build new homes could be partially relieved if the older demographic was given more choice on aspirational bespoke developments for later living which are not just associated with negative health or life events. The level of equity embedded in this part of the market is significant and Cast has been working since our inception in 2016 to support clients in pioneering new product and schemes in this nascent market.

The Times article references 3 current Cast clients and demonstrates the level of quality being achieved in this market and the high level of care and service being offered beyond the homes themselves.  The primary case study is the Auriens Chelsea development just off the Kings Road – see more about this project here

The article also references our other clients, Riverstone and Guild Living with whom we have been undertaking extensive work to develop innovative designs, safeguard viability and underpin development deliverability.

Read The Times Article here

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