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Cast CEO Authors New Government Review On Construction Skills

Cast CEO Authors New Government Review On Construction Skills - Cast

The Government has published a new government review authored by Cast CEO, Mark Farmer, 9 years after the launch of the seminal Farmer Review: Modernise or Die.

Commissioned by The Department for Education, Transforming The Construction Workforce is a formal Arms Length Body Review of the statutory Industry Training Board model, with the two remaining ITB’s – Construction Industry Training Board and Engineering Construction Industry Training Board under scrutiny.

The review takes the opportunity to set the scene for the effectiveness of the ITB’s with a broad assessment of the state of the construction workforce and the prognosis for the future.

The review concludes that the industry is facing real challenges in terms of its capacity and capability to support future economic growth through new homebuilding, infrastructure delivery and energy decarbonisation. A post pandemic period of major ‘hollowing out’ has taken place which has eroded the structural base of the industry, whilst an ageing workforce and ongoing struggles to attract and absorb sufficient numbers of new entrants is all combining to threaten future expansion.

The review makes a series of observations, conclusions and ultimately recommendations, spanning all four evaluation areas of the Arms Length Body Review – Efficacy, Efficiency, Accountability and Governance.

There are some key suggestions included for a radical overhaul of the ITB model that require detailed consideration and a coordinated implementation plan.

Read the press release here

Read a summary of quotes from industry leaders here

Read the review and the Government’s response here

Cast is playing its part in challenging and helping the industry to improve standards and productivity. This review addresses part of what is a broad spectrum of modernisation and reform measures that construction needs to consider to safeguard its future. If you have any questions as to how you can play a part in transforming the construction workforce or in modernising delivery please contact us.





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