Plot N06 East Village

05/07/21  / By Cast
5 minute read
Plot N06 East Village - Cast
05/07/21  / By Cast
5 minute read

This landmark development lies at the heart of the growing East Village masterplan at the site of the former 2012 Athletes Village in Stratford, London. Set in 67 acres, East Village includes more than 25 acres of mature parklands, new parks and open space. Within 3,300 homes, across 64 buildings, more than 6,500 people now call East Village home. Qatari Diar Delancey are developing this scheme with Get Living managing 1,921 private rental homes within this diverse, thriving community and is set to deliver a further 1,500 over the next five years.

London Architectural Photography

This development is not only innovating the latest thinking in community creation and placemaking through a class leading Build to Rent and estate management offer but it is also leading the way in how innovation in construction can go hand in hand with this process.

new residential units

pmv score - highest seen using non-volumetric mmc

quicker onsite construction programme

Following the completion of the adjacent plot, Victory Plaza where contractor Mace used a unique ‘Jump Factory’ concept, the N06 design and construction process has evolved to take the learnings from the multiple category MMC approach taken on the previous project and to optimise and de-risk the approach, especially with regard to simplifying the complex temporary works.

London Architectural Photography


Using a commercial benchmarking strategy, Cast helped deliver a project procurement and delivery strategy that enabled early contractor engagement and elements of Design for Manufacture & Assembly (DfMA) principles to be embedded into the design whilst ensuring the client achieved the cost and programme targets that underpinned viability. The major advantage of speed from increasing Pre-Manufactured Value (PMV) has been a major feature of this project, especially as it ran through the Covid-19 pandemic. The much reduced levels of site labour meant there was less impact on production and programme than comparable traditionally constructed schemes.

day cycle time per floor

less vehicle movements to/from site

less site waste created

London Architectural Photography

Mace have developed their thinking across Categories 2, 5, 6 and 7 of the MMC Definition Framework with application of the following methodologies:-

  • Use of the Mace HRS system of pre-manufactured precast concrete slabs and unitised façade panels
  • Twinwall precast concrete to cores
  • Bathroom pods
  • Utility cupboard pods
  • Pre-Manufactured M&E risers
  • Pre-Manufactured central Plant & Equipment
  • Modular wiring looms
  • Investigation of pre-manufactured internal partitioning systems
  • Fully digital site progress verification and site record keeping

towers - 26 & 31 storeys high

floor skybridge

reduced on site frame labour and steel fixing

The project is achieving one of the highest PMV scores Cast has seen outside of volumetric Category 1 MMC schemes. It has achieved this through a collaborative design and construction process and a construction integration strategy where traditional site trades are replaced with more remote or near site activities, logistically managed and moving final workface activities to more of an assembly process to maximise productivity, quality control and reduce social distancing output pressures and health and safety risks.

London Architectural Photography

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