Get Living, One Maidenhead

07/12/23  / By Cast
3 minute read
Get Living, One Maidenhead - Cast
07/12/23  / By Cast
3 minute read

Cast’s relationship with Get Living and their investors has grown as their Build to Rent platform has matured. In that time, their pipeline has expanded from primarily direct development through to forward funding of developments around the country.

One Maidenhead will be Get Living’s first neighbourhood outside of a major city. Get Living have forward funded the first phase of the development to revitalise the centre of Maidenhead. The project, which is being developed by Hub, aims to bring people back into the town centre and activate it throughout the day and night and to create a community that thrives. The first phase of the scheme will deliver 429 build to rent homes across four blocks, and 23,000sqft of ground floor retail, extensive new public realm and public art.

Cast’s involvement with the project began by advising Get Living on the transaction with HUB, supporting with procurement and contractor selection and leading the Technical Due Diligence for Get Living.

Cast procured and led a team to interrogate the design, purchaser agreements, building contract, third party issues and provided commercial management and programme review support. The key challenge of this phase of the project was appraising HUB’s scheme’s alignment with Get Living’s brand standards, agreeing which variations would drive the greatest value or operational cost benefit, and negotiating changes to the building contract and purchaser’s requirements.

Following the completion of the transaction, Cast continued to provide Get Living with project monitoring services, to ensure that Get Living’s standards and requirements were met, incorporating lessons learnt from previous successful projects to continuously drive better outcomes throughout the construction phase.

Cast also provided Project and Cost Management services to Get Living to develop their amenity offering for the development. Cast provided benchmarking data and market insight on how Get Living could evolve their amenity offering from their central London offerings to meet the needs and values of Maidenhead’s residents.

Maidenhead topped out on the 25th May 2023, and is anticipated to complete in Q4 2024.


of retail


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