East Village Plot N05

07/06/23  / By Cast
5 minute read
East Village Plot N05 - Cast
07/06/23  / By Cast
5 minute read

In the years since the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Cast have been collaborating with Delancey, Qatar Diar and latterly Get Living to transform the Olympic Athletes Village into the East Village – a vibrant residential neighbourhood, with a legacy of high-quality homes and best-in-class public realm in East London. East Village Plot N05 is an exemplar affordable housing scheme, delivered as part of the wider masterplan.

Acting as Project Manager, Employer’s Agent and Cost Manager, Cast led the project team from Stage 2 onwards. To achieve the Client’s vision for exceptional social-rented family homes, we led the team in optimising the masterplan scheme into a sustainable, high-quality and most importantly deliverable scheme. The building’s distinctive triangular shape – established by the masterplan plot boundary – is carried through in the design to maximise external private amenity space and create a distinctive living environment.

Alongside this, the scheme incorporated substantial new areas of public realm which included a “Neighbourhood Equipped Area of Play” (NEAP) with bespoke play equipment by Dutch designers Carve and interactive water fountains, providing valuable outdoor amenity space both to Plot N05 and to the wider Village.

Working with the client team and the main contractor, Cast helped to secure agreement with Registered Provider Notting Hill Genesis to purchase and operate the building, concluding approximately 6 months prior to Practical Completion. Cast led interaction with Notting Hill Genesis, including managing changes required to align to the Purchaser’s brand standards and negotiation with the Main Contractor, to balance risk and value to all parties. Cast continued to manage this process through to completion, ensuring that the Purchaser’s requirements were implemented appropriately.

Practical completion was achieved in March 2023. Following a period of mobilisation by Noting Hill Genesis, occupancy commenced in July 2023, delivering Get Living’s ambition to provide high-quality social rented homes for the host boroughs.


of external landscaping


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