
Cast Contribute to New Report Examining Resident Views on Sustainability

Cast Contribute to New Report Examining Resident Views on Sustainability - Cast

Cast is delighted to have once again collaborated with the increasingly recognised new development ratings platform Homeviews to contribute to their 2021 Sustainability Report. With COP26 in progress it has never seemed more relevant to explore the end consumers’ views on how they value sustainability in the buildings and places they occupy and whether developers and investors are designing and specifying the right performance and features. In a world where increasing social consciousness of climate change is forcing change in the built environment this report gives the views of over 3,000 residents in new build developments.

Blackhorse Mills

Unsurpringly perhaps there is little cut through to end residents of how a development is constructed in terms of modern. more productive approaches, including MMC. This remains an ESG led investment driven area focused on embodied carbon reduction and the future proofing of owned and managed assets. Perhaps more surprisingly there was also relatively little importance given to ‘smart’ features, technology and enbablement. The leading requirements expected and valued by residents were recycling services, energy saving measures, renewable energy and private space.

It will be interesting to to see how trends and behaviour change over time. Great to see our exemplar Legal & General project, Blackhorse Mills, used as a case study. Read the report here

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